Saturday, October 16, 2010

Friendly Food

Can't say what meal here is my fave, but I can tell you which has the most memorable presentation.  Just some rice, ground beef, hard boiled eggs, olives, tomatoes and parsley can become a fun activity for all (and a great icebreaker if you like me are challenged when it comes to interacting with children).  First, you fill a small bowl with beef sandwiched in between two layers of rice.  Pack it in, so that when you dump it on your plate, you now have a canvas to create a face on!  Can't wait to try this with my nephews.     

Now what to drink?  Chicha Morada is a super common beverage in Peru made by boiling purple corn, cinnamon sticks, pineapple rind, lime and sugar.  Like blueberries, purple corn is loaded with antioxidants.  Bonus.

I usually pass on punch, but to say no gracias to this stuff, can't be done.

Nothing goes to waste.  The used corn is dried and fed to the rabbits.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks! Sounds fun. I want to see a picture of some of those roof dogs you said were all over town.
