The traffic is normal. The smoke, not so much. |
Me: Hey there Mr. policía. Good afternoon. Sorry to interupt whatever it is you're doing on your cell phone, but I was wondering if you could tell me where is the smoke coming from?
He looks up: Oh that? They're probably just burning trash.
Looks back down at his cell.
Me: Really? Looks worrisome.
Another officer overhears, hops on his motorcycle and zooms off to check it out.
Mr. Cellphone turns to assure me that they'll have a look....and then after a double-take, he begins: Well hello there! Good afternoon. How are you? Where from? Living around here? What do you do?....
Oh great. Is this really worth sticking around for just to find out where the smoke is coming from? Probably not. But heck I don't have anywhere to be for a while.
He continues for another 10 minutes: Now you have to be careful living around here. Very dangerous. Many delinquents. Are you married? Well why not? Think you will marry a Peruvian?...
His partner receives an urgent walkie talkie message from inside the police truck and interrupts our delightful conversation. The man's eyes grew: Fire? Fire!
He mumbles something like "Excuse, must go now" while doing a 360º spin until he finds the entrance to his vehicle and shoots off with the sirens blaring.
Dangerous neighborhood? I wonder why?
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