Sunday, March 27, 2011

Soles 4 Souls

 The other campaign I had the privilege of participating in recently was that of washing feet and giving out shoes. A team from Soles4Souls came to serve Trujillo with us, bringing approximately 1,500 pairs with them.  This was their second visit and surely not their last.  The team leader was Christian and fun to hang out with and share experiences of working abroad.  The team itself was super patient worked very hard and we had a great time serving with them.
Here's a happy face from our first of four locations, Peru Mission's Presbyterian church in Arevalo.
Washing feet and distributing shoes at the Wichanzao Presbyterian Church (right next to our clinic)

Parque Industrial is an impoverished sector of Trujillo where we hope to have a clinic in the future.  We often go to the church there for campaigns and this week was no exception.  In this pic you can see one of our pastors sizing one pair of feet as another walks out with some new tennies.

Nothing like a smile on the face of someone who so appreciates the love and simple gift of shoes that we were able to give on this two·day campaign.  Sorry I don´t have too many pics of thier sweet faces, but if you search on the other missionary blogs, I´m sure you´ll find better photos.  Many of them were still wearing the same shoes that were given them the last time Soles4Souls came!  One of the coolest things was when some of the folks from these neighborhoods recognized me from the clinic or previous campaigns. 

Praises:  God has continually blessed me with good health, great relationships, and financial means to this point.  I am so grateful!
Prayer requests:  That the people we reached might come to church and be more aware of the church's presence in their community.  For the clinic as it continues to grow and become well known in the Wichanzao sector of Trujillo, that we may show Christ in all that we do.

1 comment:

  1. Wow-what an amazing event! Love the pics in b&w-beautiful, esp the last one. Glad things seem to be going so well down there. We miss ya up here tho! Love, Annie
