Monday, November 8, 2010

Goodbye Hello Goodbye Hello

My time here is flying by.  I've already said goodbye to dozens of missionaries who have finished their Spanish classes here and are now off working in far away places.  Here's a group shot of one of the many going away parties we've had.

It's truly amazing to be able to spark up an immediate friendship with people from completely different cultures and backgrounds simply based on our common ground that we love and honor the Lord Jesus.  I just fared well to a gal from Germany yesterday who I only knew for a week, but it honestly felt like we went back at least a few months.  It is a bit sad to see people go who I probably won't ever see again in this present life, but we do anticipate a great reunion in the life to come and therefore remain cheerful.  And while it's hard when they leave, there are always new people coming that I get the pleasure of getting to know which makes life here that much richer.  Soon, I'll get to meet a whole new crop of people in Trujillo, where the community will be a tad more stable, I think.  Check out Peru Mission's news letter if you like.  It includes a little tid bit about the clinic I will be working in.


  1. Seems like you've adjusted well and are enjoying yourself. I'm sure your Spanish is getting pretty good as well.

  2. I love the colorful photos of your blog background! You must be heading into summer there.

  3. This is a wonderful entry, Yvette! Bittersweet (in which I empathise) and written straight from your heart.

    Love and miss you, and am praying for you often!

  4. I like your shirt. Haha. This really sounds awesome and I'm hoping to hear your Spanish speaking abilities soon. :) We all miss you out here at Recession Ranch.
